All posts by Jonathan Caldwell

Jonathan Caldwell is a technology enthusiast looking at things like smart home, mobile phones, and the web. His dream is to live in a big city as a technology journalist covering the things that interest him.

News regarding the Ultimate Survivalcraft site

Hello everyone! I’m sure some of you might have tried to access my website today, only to find out it is down. It has so many visitors that it keeps over using it’s CPU.  It won’t be back up until about 10pm tonight.

The bad news is that if it keeps on over using it’s CPU, it will be permanently suspended, and I won’t be able to get it back. I’m not trying to remove some of you visitors, so please keep coming! But I am going to have to make a few changes.

For one thing, I’m probably going discontinue the social networking features, including friends, activity feeds, private messenging and more. This also means that there will no longer be a members page.

Also, I may stop doing the community blog thing directly on my website. The current blog on it will probably be just news, tips and other information from me, and maybe a select few authors.

But there will probably still be a community blog, right here on Survival Jaguar. I will probably transfer some of the posts from there to over here, and you will be authors here.

Both websites will be linked to each other. For example you can visit the forums or wiki on Ultimate Survivalcraft from here, or the community blog from there.

I’m also probably going to remove some smaller features. I’ll provide more information later.

Happy Survivalcrafting,

Jonathan Garmon

First Textures!

I just created my first two texture packs! The Cold Texture is at the top, and the Hot Texture is at the bottom. Enjoy!



Grass and leaves are not effected because of the game itself. If I were to create a completely black and white texture, grass and leaves would remain green.